Register Renaming

Abstract Nonsense

Without aliasing between architectural storage locations, a set of instructions can be easily rearranged into a dataflow graph: think of instructions as nodes in the graph, and their read-after-write (RAW) dependences as edges. This makes it obvious which instructions can be completed in parallel with one another, and which instructions must wait for others before being executed. Out-of-order instruction issue depends on this property.

If you're familiar with the way that modern compilers are implemented, you might know that programs are often represented in single-static assignment (SSA) form. The rationale behind register renaming is very similar, although we don't exactly have an infinite amount of registers.

The register map and freelist are both used to rename architectural operands into physical operands. Renaming is mainly used to prepare instructions for out-of-order scheduling and execution in the backend.

In general, renaming involves the following steps:

  1. Determine which operands resolve to known values (ie. zero)
  2. Determine which instructions are non-scheduled
  3. Determine which instructions allocate a new physical register
  4. Resolve "local" physical dependences (solely between instructions within the window) by forwarding newly-allocated registers
  5. Resolve "global" physical dependences (between instructions in the window and older instructions in the pipeline) by reading from the register map
  6. Write back to the freelist and the register map

Some macro-ops can be completed early during this stage by simply writing to the register map. These non-scheduled instructions need to be detected before we can determine what should happen with the rest of the instructions in the window.

Detecting Non-Scheduled Instructions

Integer operations in the decode window may complete during rename if their operands satisfy some conditions. For now, these cases are:

  • Register-to-register moves
  • Immediate-to-register moves
  • Zero-to-register moves
  • No-ops

Most of these occur for integer operations where zero is the identity, and our ability to recognize these depends on recognizing which operands can be resolved as zero. There are two places where this occurs:

  • During decode, some operands are explicitly set to zero (like for LUI)
  • During decode, comparators determine whether or not an immediate is zero
  • By checking the register map zero bits during rename, we can determine if an architectural register is currently mapped to zero

Abstract Nonsense

This is kind of like a very-limited form of constant propagation, but only for values that are known to be zero. As far as I can tell, the cost of this is "putting comparators on the register map write ports."

Given this information, the following integer operations can be squashed into a move operation:

  • For integer operations where zero is the identity, and when either operand is zero, move the non-zero operand
  • For subtraction, when the second operand is zero, move the first operand
  • For subtraction and logical XOR, when both operands are the same, move zero
  • For logical AND, when either operand is zero, move zero

On top of this, integer operations where both operands are zero must be equivalent to a no-op.

Register Allocation

After scanning for non-scheduled instructions, we can determine whether or not each instruction in the decode window should allocate a physical register. Non-scheduled instructions do not allocate.

Resolving Dependences

In general, the register map read ports are used to convert a source register into the appropriate physical register. These are cases for "global" dependences: registers that have been bound to a physical register on a previous cycle.

However, for those instructions whose source registers are the destination for some previous instruction in the window, the register map cannot be used to resolve a physical register, since the bindings have not occured yet.

Instead, the appropriate register name must be forwarded from the most-recent producer in the decode window:

  • When the producer is a scheduled instruction (with allocates), the newly-allocated physical destination is used to resolve the name
  • TODO


Since non-scheduled instructions do not have a physical destination, what are we supposed to do when some source relies on a previous non-scheduled instruction?

  • We could add read ports for each architectural destination?
  • We could add ports that copy from one binding to another?

Preparing State

This whole process results in writes to the register map and freelist. There are two possible interactions with the register map write ports:

  1. For scheduled instructions that must allocate, we bind rd to the newly-allocated physical destination register
  2. For non-scheduled instructions, we bind rd to the appropriate physical source register


A freelist stores the set of physical registers that are available for allocation. There is one read port for each entry in the decode window. The index of a free physical register is always being driven over the read port (if a register is available), along with a valid bit. When the alloc bit on a read port is held high, the corresponding physical register is marked as in-use starting on the next clock cycle.

Register Map

A register map associates a physical register to each architectural register (excluding the zero register x0). There are two read ports and one write port for each entry in the decode window.

The register map also tracks which architectural registers are bound to the physical register 0. Each write port has a comparator used to determine how the zero bit should be updated along with the binding. These status bits are always driven as output.